Should You Test Tinder Ads?

Should You Test Tinder Ads?
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This is an excerpt from MarketerHire's weekly newsletter, Raisin Bread. To get a tasty marketing snack in your inbox every week, subscribe here.

We’ll be up front with you: Tinder ads won’t reach everyone. But they have a major upside, too.

What makes Tinder an alluring channel?

Sure, you can only reach single people (and cheaters) (and poly people) on the dating app.

But you can reach a lot of them — more than on any other dating app, as of May 2021 — and they’re engaged.  

The app has seen a major YoY bump across three core engagement metrics, according to Tinder data published in the New Statesman and Chartr

If you’re a brand looking to diversify, Tinder ads could be worth a shot. 

Three fun facts about Tinder ads

  1. You can probably buy them with your current adtech. Tinder sells ads programmatically via the Facebook Audience Network and a Google partnership.
  2. They’re not the main way Tinder makes money. Or at least, they weren’t as of 2018 — the app primarily profits from its premium subscriptions.
  3. Tinder has a lot of first-party data it could use for targeting. Think 800 pages of data per person. We don’t know how much it helps brands, but it sure can’t hurt ad relevance. 

Our takeaway? 

Right now, Tinder ads could make it easy to reach an engaged audience — and could do wonders for cute first date spots.

Mae RiceMae Rice
Mae Rice is editor in chief at MarketerHire. A long-time content marketer, she loves learning about the weird and wonderful feedback loops that connect marketing and culture.
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Should You Test Tinder Ads?

September 8, 2023
August 24, 2021
Mae Rice

Tinder is a dating app, but it's also an advertising platform — and it's seeing an engagement bump this year. (Plus, it has a ton of first-party data, which can't hurt its ad targeting capabilities.)

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This is an excerpt from MarketerHire's weekly newsletter, Raisin Bread. To get a tasty marketing snack in your inbox every week, subscribe here.

We’ll be up front with you: Tinder ads won’t reach everyone. But they have a major upside, too.

What makes Tinder an alluring channel?

Sure, you can only reach single people (and cheaters) (and poly people) on the dating app.

But you can reach a lot of them — more than on any other dating app, as of May 2021 — and they’re engaged.  

The app has seen a major YoY bump across three core engagement metrics, according to Tinder data published in the New Statesman and Chartr

If you’re a brand looking to diversify, Tinder ads could be worth a shot. 

Three fun facts about Tinder ads

  1. You can probably buy them with your current adtech. Tinder sells ads programmatically via the Facebook Audience Network and a Google partnership.
  2. They’re not the main way Tinder makes money. Or at least, they weren’t as of 2018 — the app primarily profits from its premium subscriptions.
  3. Tinder has a lot of first-party data it could use for targeting. Think 800 pages of data per person. We don’t know how much it helps brands, but it sure can’t hurt ad relevance. 

Our takeaway? 

Right now, Tinder ads could make it easy to reach an engaged audience — and could do wonders for cute first date spots.

Mae Rice
about the author

Mae Rice is editor in chief at MarketerHire. A long-time content marketer, she loves learning about the weird and wonderful feedback loops that connect marketing and culture.

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