March’s Most Hired Marketing Roles

March’s Most Hired Marketing Roles
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Which roles were the hottest at the end of Q1?

MarketerHire has some interesting data on this, as a talent platform that connects clients like Netflix and Allbirds with pre-vetted freelance marketer. 

The two biggest MoM trends we spotted:

  • Email marketers’ share of all roles hired grew 46% MoM
  • Content marketers’ slice of the hiring pie grew 17% MoM

Source: MarketerHire

Email marketers boost LTV — even in slow seasons. 

One theory on the email marketer surge: Q2 is often slower for retail, so companies  may be shifting towards re-engaging past customers and away from new customer acquisition, said MarketerHire’s head of key accounts Matt Mozzochi. 

Content marketers can create thought leadership.

Demand for thought leadership is on the rise, said MarketerHire growth manager Ashley Hubbard — especially at early-stage companies trying to build trust and fill their top-of-funnel.

That helps content marketers. 

Our takeaway? 

In March, businesses hired a fresh crop of freelance marketers to focus on the very top and the very bottom of their funnels. 

Mid-funnel got a little love, too: After a two-month slump, paid social media marketers’ slice of MarketerHire’s hiring pie grew slightly. 

Mae RiceMae Rice
Mae Rice is editor in chief at MarketerHire. A long-time content marketer, she loves learning about the weird and wonderful feedback loops that connect marketing and culture.
Hire Marketers

March’s Most Hired Marketing Roles

September 8, 2023
April 28, 2022
Mae Rice

Email marketers and content marketers had a great March, according to MarketerHire data — in fact, email marketers' share of total hires grew nearly 50%. Why? We asked our team for their theories.

Table of Contents

Which roles were the hottest at the end of Q1?

MarketerHire has some interesting data on this, as a talent platform that connects clients like Netflix and Allbirds with pre-vetted freelance marketer. 

The two biggest MoM trends we spotted:

  • Email marketers’ share of all roles hired grew 46% MoM
  • Content marketers’ slice of the hiring pie grew 17% MoM

Source: MarketerHire

Email marketers boost LTV — even in slow seasons. 

One theory on the email marketer surge: Q2 is often slower for retail, so companies  may be shifting towards re-engaging past customers and away from new customer acquisition, said MarketerHire’s head of key accounts Matt Mozzochi. 

Content marketers can create thought leadership.

Demand for thought leadership is on the rise, said MarketerHire growth manager Ashley Hubbard — especially at early-stage companies trying to build trust and fill their top-of-funnel.

That helps content marketers. 

Our takeaway? 

In March, businesses hired a fresh crop of freelance marketers to focus on the very top and the very bottom of their funnels. 

Mid-funnel got a little love, too: After a two-month slump, paid social media marketers’ slice of MarketerHire’s hiring pie grew slightly. 

Mae Rice
about the author

Mae Rice is editor in chief at MarketerHire. A long-time content marketer, she loves learning about the weird and wonderful feedback loops that connect marketing and culture.

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