4 Generative AI Workflows for Account Based Marketing

4 Generative AI Workflows for Account Based Marketing
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Since generative AI has reached greater maturity, we’ve found tons of uses beyond simply “creating copy”. 

Generative AI is great for:

  •  Scenarios where a small amount of judgment is required
  •  You need to infer an additional field
  •  Or you need to alter something based on a contextual clue. 

From personal experience, a surprisingly large portion of account-based marketing (ABM) workflows rely on just these things. In this guide we’ll step you through some of our favorite uses for generative AI 

Read more: The Top KPIs for Account-Based Marketing

Hands-On with Generative AI and Spreadsheets

A strength – and operational challenge – of ABM is that sales and marketing can present as a united front, sharing assets and viewpoints that complement one another. In other words, content repurposing from initial marketing touchpoints through to sales.

While you can certainly copy and paste marketing media into tools like chatGPT to output a sales email, this is too one off for an effort of any scale. 

GPTForSheets is an add-on for Google Sheets and Docs. It adds a simple function that lets you prompt chatGPT directly within sheets. This means you can reference cells and build out pieces of content step-by-step. This also means you can use AI to generate output in batches.

Low Code Inferences and Lead Enrichment

ABM is all about reaching the right people. And if we know one thing, the struggle to get reliable data from form fills is real 😭. You can run the route of requiring fields and letting in free text. But fields like job titles, locations, employee counts, and “biggest challenges” can come in a startling array of formats. 

Alternatively, you can control input somewhat by using preselected ranges. Say a drop down for seniority level or org size. But many people just want their downloadable loot and submit the default value. 

By connecting form inputs to chatGPT using a low code connector like Zapier, you can feed form input to a particular prompt. One I’ve recently used is to determine whether a free text “job title” form input is a specific seniority level. We then pipe this value back as a “seniority” field to our CRM. 

The prompt is as simple as:

Given this response to a job title input in a form: [Job title]
Can you tell me the seniority of the job title. Only respond with one of the following words: Specialist, Manager, Director, Executive. 

Use Sentiment As A Metric

Tons of sales and marTech use sentiment these days. But maybe you don’t have any of these slick goodies. And most custom setups involve some pretty technical API use. Conversational LLM’s are great at judging the tone of documents. And you can even prompt them to output in the form of a number, great for piping back into a spreadsheet or CRM. 

Don’t have Gong? No sweat, couple sales transcripts with a low-code connector like Zapier to chop up transcripts into sections that chatGPT can parse and return a sentiment reading (or identify top challenges in the text). 

Read more: Account-Based Marketing Versus Lead Generation (Pros, Cons)

Ad permutations for retargeting

For this use you’ve got a burgeoning category with plenty of choices. But you can also set up your own low-code version on the cheap. One benefit to controlling your inputs and setting up your own version is you can feed a tool like chatGPT the actual results of running ads. Give it the context of who you’re serving ads to, what funnel stage they’re at, what result you want, as well as past spend and outcome data and you can get a series of ad ideas. 

Note: chatGPT output isn’t the sharpest at micro and conversion copy. But it is great at rephrasing and providing optionality. (It can give you tons to test at the very least.) 


Generative AI empowers marketers to automate tasks that would otherwise consume valuable time and resources. It allows for rapid testing of different strategies and content, providing valuable insights that can be used to optimize campaigns.

But perhaps most importantly, generative AI enhances the scrappiness that is so essential to ABM. It allows marketers to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, to try out new ideas, and to continuously improve their strategies. It's like having a secret weapon that allows you to do more with less. So, if you're looking to boost your ABM efforts, consider integrating generative AI into your workflows. It could be the game-changer you've been looking for. And remember, if you need help implementing these strategies or want to work with the top 2% of marketing freelancers, don't hesitate to reach out.

Sebastian L. HawthorneSebastian L. Hawthorne
Sebastian has worked as a content marketing and brand leader for several early stage startups, as well as led an SEO agency for several years. A lover of data visualization, he loves the endless puzzle of transforming public web data into valuable content.
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4 Generative AI Workflows for Account Based Marketing

September 8, 2023
Sebastian L. Hawthorne

Table of Contents

Since generative AI has reached greater maturity, we’ve found tons of uses beyond simply “creating copy”. 

Generative AI is great for:

  •  Scenarios where a small amount of judgment is required
  •  You need to infer an additional field
  •  Or you need to alter something based on a contextual clue. 

From personal experience, a surprisingly large portion of account-based marketing (ABM) workflows rely on just these things. In this guide we’ll step you through some of our favorite uses for generative AI 

Read more: The Top KPIs for Account-Based Marketing

Hands-On with Generative AI and Spreadsheets

A strength – and operational challenge – of ABM is that sales and marketing can present as a united front, sharing assets and viewpoints that complement one another. In other words, content repurposing from initial marketing touchpoints through to sales.

While you can certainly copy and paste marketing media into tools like chatGPT to output a sales email, this is too one off for an effort of any scale. 

GPTForSheets is an add-on for Google Sheets and Docs. It adds a simple function that lets you prompt chatGPT directly within sheets. This means you can reference cells and build out pieces of content step-by-step. This also means you can use AI to generate output in batches.

Low Code Inferences and Lead Enrichment

ABM is all about reaching the right people. And if we know one thing, the struggle to get reliable data from form fills is real 😭. You can run the route of requiring fields and letting in free text. But fields like job titles, locations, employee counts, and “biggest challenges” can come in a startling array of formats. 

Alternatively, you can control input somewhat by using preselected ranges. Say a drop down for seniority level or org size. But many people just want their downloadable loot and submit the default value. 

By connecting form inputs to chatGPT using a low code connector like Zapier, you can feed form input to a particular prompt. One I’ve recently used is to determine whether a free text “job title” form input is a specific seniority level. We then pipe this value back as a “seniority” field to our CRM. 

The prompt is as simple as:

Given this response to a job title input in a form: [Job title]
Can you tell me the seniority of the job title. Only respond with one of the following words: Specialist, Manager, Director, Executive. 

Use Sentiment As A Metric

Tons of sales and marTech use sentiment these days. But maybe you don’t have any of these slick goodies. And most custom setups involve some pretty technical API use. Conversational LLM’s are great at judging the tone of documents. And you can even prompt them to output in the form of a number, great for piping back into a spreadsheet or CRM. 

Don’t have Gong? No sweat, couple sales transcripts with a low-code connector like Zapier to chop up transcripts into sections that chatGPT can parse and return a sentiment reading (or identify top challenges in the text). 

Read more: Account-Based Marketing Versus Lead Generation (Pros, Cons)

Ad permutations for retargeting

For this use you’ve got a burgeoning category with plenty of choices. But you can also set up your own low-code version on the cheap. One benefit to controlling your inputs and setting up your own version is you can feed a tool like chatGPT the actual results of running ads. Give it the context of who you’re serving ads to, what funnel stage they’re at, what result you want, as well as past spend and outcome data and you can get a series of ad ideas. 

Note: chatGPT output isn’t the sharpest at micro and conversion copy. But it is great at rephrasing and providing optionality. (It can give you tons to test at the very least.) 


Generative AI empowers marketers to automate tasks that would otherwise consume valuable time and resources. It allows for rapid testing of different strategies and content, providing valuable insights that can be used to optimize campaigns.

But perhaps most importantly, generative AI enhances the scrappiness that is so essential to ABM. It allows marketers to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, to try out new ideas, and to continuously improve their strategies. It's like having a secret weapon that allows you to do more with less. So, if you're looking to boost your ABM efforts, consider integrating generative AI into your workflows. It could be the game-changer you've been looking for. And remember, if you need help implementing these strategies or want to work with the top 2% of marketing freelancers, don't hesitate to reach out.

Sebastian Hawthorne
about the author

Sebastian has worked as a content marketing and brand leader for several early stage startups, as well as led an SEO agency for several years. A lover of data visualization, he loves the endless puzzle of transforming public web data into valuable content.

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