7 E-Commerce Stats That Will Change the Way You Look At Your Business

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The times, they are, indeed, a-changin’ — and in no industry is this more true than in e-commerce. We took a look at some of the recent numbers to see exactly how fast things are changing, and how well the industry has been keeping up. The following numbers may fill your heart with glee and confirm that you’re on the right track — or inspire a potential pivot.  

1. E-Commerce Has Been Seriously Growing In The U.S. This Year

For the third quarter of 2019, retail e-commerce sales totaled $145.7 billion, an increase of 4.4% from the second quarter of 2019.

2. But On A Global Scale, E-Commerce Is Far More Impressive

That’s some healthy growth — and U.S. e-commerce sales are projected to grow even more in the final quarter of 2019 and increase further in the next year. But the projected global sales for e-commerce in 2020 is amazing — perhaps $3.9 trillion.

3. While China Has The Highest E-Commerce Total Revenue, The U.K. Has The Highest Per Capita Spend

It’s no surprise that China, with the world’s largest population, 1.42 billion, is the top spender globally, with an annual e-commerce total revenue of $706 billion. But more surprisingly, residents of the United Kingdom are the top spenders per capita, at $4,057 — compare that to the U.S.’s $3,459 and China’s $1,871.

4. E-commerce Is (Figuratively) Taking Over The World

We’re anticipating that e-commerce retail sales will account for a full 13.7% of global retail sales in 2019 — that’s up from 7.4% in 2015. And this number is only expected to rise: we’re anticipating this share will be 17.5% by 2021.

5. But American Businesses Are, By And Large, Not Playing The Game

A 2019 survey found that 40% of small businesses don’t have a website. While not every business needs an ecommerce arm, to not have any website at all is simply bananapants — and yes, that’s the technical term. 97% of American consumers have used the internet to find a local businesses — and 54% looked for a local business online at least once a month.

6. Creating A Good E-Commerce Experience On Mobile Is Becoming Increasingly More Important

Mobile e-commerce — aka m-commerce — has been driving an increasingly large percentage of traffic and sales. More than 55% of e-commerce traffic already comes from mobile, and that number is just going up. And while this is great for companies who have optimized for mobile, those who haven’t should look out: 57% of mobile shoppers will abandon the cart if the load time is three seconds or longer, and smartphone users are brand agnostic and want what’s easiest for them: 80% were more likely to purchase from companies who helped them easily find answers to whatever questions they had.

7. Don’t Forget About Gen X

While the craze for attracting Millennial customers has died down — although that eponymous rose gold tone doesn’t seem to be going anywhere — e-commerce businesses would do well to remember Gen X, who are surprisingly the most active online shoppers of them all.

By Raisin Bread EditorsBy Raisin Bread Editors
Raisin Bread editors partner with top marketers from the MarketerHire platform to share their knowledge and expertise directly with you. Eat it. Digest it. Apply it.
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When it comes to e-commerce, success is in the numbers. Here are a few e-comm stats that may change how you think about your business, both off and online.

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The times, they are, indeed, a-changin’ — and in no industry is this more true than in e-commerce. We took a look at some of the recent numbers to see exactly how fast things are changing, and how well the industry has been keeping up. The following numbers may fill your heart with glee and confirm that you’re on the right track — or inspire a potential pivot.  

1. E-Commerce Has Been Seriously Growing In The U.S. This Year

For the third quarter of 2019, retail e-commerce sales totaled $145.7 billion, an increase of 4.4% from the second quarter of 2019.

2. But On A Global Scale, E-Commerce Is Far More Impressive

That’s some healthy growth — and U.S. e-commerce sales are projected to grow even more in the final quarter of 2019 and increase further in the next year. But the projected global sales for e-commerce in 2020 is amazing — perhaps $3.9 trillion.

3. While China Has The Highest E-Commerce Total Revenue, The U.K. Has The Highest Per Capita Spend

It’s no surprise that China, with the world’s largest population, 1.42 billion, is the top spender globally, with an annual e-commerce total revenue of $706 billion. But more surprisingly, residents of the United Kingdom are the top spenders per capita, at $4,057 — compare that to the U.S.’s $3,459 and China’s $1,871.

4. E-commerce Is (Figuratively) Taking Over The World

We’re anticipating that e-commerce retail sales will account for a full 13.7% of global retail sales in 2019 — that’s up from 7.4% in 2015. And this number is only expected to rise: we’re anticipating this share will be 17.5% by 2021.

5. But American Businesses Are, By And Large, Not Playing The Game

A 2019 survey found that 40% of small businesses don’t have a website. While not every business needs an ecommerce arm, to not have any website at all is simply bananapants — and yes, that’s the technical term. 97% of American consumers have used the internet to find a local businesses — and 54% looked for a local business online at least once a month.

6. Creating A Good E-Commerce Experience On Mobile Is Becoming Increasingly More Important

Mobile e-commerce — aka m-commerce — has been driving an increasingly large percentage of traffic and sales. More than 55% of e-commerce traffic already comes from mobile, and that number is just going up. And while this is great for companies who have optimized for mobile, those who haven’t should look out: 57% of mobile shoppers will abandon the cart if the load time is three seconds or longer, and smartphone users are brand agnostic and want what’s easiest for them: 80% were more likely to purchase from companies who helped them easily find answers to whatever questions they had.

7. Don’t Forget About Gen X

While the craze for attracting Millennial customers has died down — although that eponymous rose gold tone doesn’t seem to be going anywhere — e-commerce businesses would do well to remember Gen X, who are surprisingly the most active online shoppers of them all.

Raisin Bread Editors
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Raisin Bread editors partner with top marketers from the MarketerHire platform to share their knowledge and expertise directly with you. Eat it. Digest it. Apply it.

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