4 Ways to Build a Successful Freelance Marketing Business

4 Ways to Build a Successful Freelance Marketing Business
Table of Contents
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In the competitive field of freelance marketing, standing out requires more than just marketing know-how; it demands a strategic approach that sets you apart. As a freelance marketer, you're not just managing campaigns – you're running your own business. This means thinking beyond the basics and adopting tactics that elevate your service offering and solidify your market position.
MarketerHire sat down with Erin Balsa, founder of Haus of Bold, to learn more about how she builds and executes highly successful content marketing strategies for sales-led B2B SaaS startups that sell complex, enterprise-ready solutions. 
Erin shares key insights including the importance of thought leadership and content strategy as a means to help companies stand out.

In today’s post, we'll cover essential tactics like carving out a unique niche through thought leadership, aligning marketing efforts with sales goals, leveraging in-depth research for content creation, and securing quick wins to build client trust. 

Whether you're starting out or looking to refine your approach, these strategies are designed to give you a practical roadmap for freelance marketing success.

How to Build a Successful Freelance Marketing Business

Freelance marketers provide an array of marketing expertise and services to a diverse clientele. In order to build a successful freelance marketing business, Erin Balsa recommends following these four key steps:

1. Share unique perspectives

2. Focus on trends and sales

3. Gather insights through interviews and research

4. Build trust and impact with quick wins
Let’s break it down. 

Sharing Unique Perspectives

As a freelance marketer, one of your most potent tools is your unique perspective. But this is more than just having opinions; it's about developing a thought leadership position that resonates with your target audience. 
There are several key channels to go about doing this. 
To start, develop thought leadership content. For example, start a blog, podcast, or video series where you share insights about the latest industry trends, future predictions, or marketing strategies. This isn't just about showing what you know; it's about adding value to your audience. 
Next step, back up your opinions with data. Your perspectives will carry more weight if they are supported by data. Use industry reports, case studies, and your own campaign results to lend credibility to your viewpoints.
It is critical that you stay informed and ahead. Continuously educate yourself on the latest marketing trends and techniques, and attend webinars, read industry publications, and engage with other marketing experts to keep your knowledge and content fresh and relevant.
Ultimately, by establishing yourself as a thought leader and learning as much as you can about your target audience, you're not just sharing your expertise; you're building a brand that attracts clients who value your insights and trust your guidance. 

To maximize the impact of freelance marketing efforts on client revenue and prove your value as a marketing partner, it's essential to align marketing strategies with the client's sales goals and current market trends. This includes tailoring marketing approaches to meet sales objectives like lead generation and brand awareness through SEO, content marketing, social media, and PR. 
Additionally, implementing attribution models helps track how marketing influences sales, while collaborating with sales teams provides them with valuable marketing insights and materials. 
Keeping up-to-date with industry trends ensures that marketing strategies remain relevant and competitive. These efforts position you as a key contributor to your client's business success.
Consider these action items to strengthen your marketing offerings: 

  • Align Marketing Strategies with Sales Goals: Understand your client's sales objectives and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly. If the goal is lead generation, focus on SEO and content marketing. For brand awareness, prioritize social media and PR.
  • Set Up Attribution Models: Implement models to track the impact of your marketing efforts on sales. Use tools like Google Analytics or marketing automation software to trace customer journeys and pinpoint which marketing channels are driving conversions.
  • Support Sales Teams with Marketing Insights: Collaborate with sales teams to provide them with marketing materials and insights. Create content that aids in nurturing leads, from informative blog posts to engaging social media campaigns.
  • Stay Current with Market Trends: Keep abreast of the latest industry trends and consumer behaviors. Adapt your marketing strategies to leverage these trends, ensuring your clients stay ahead of the curve.

Gathering Insights through Interviews and Research

In-depth interviews and research are critical in crafting effective marketing strategies and content. 
Engaging with thought leaders, customers, and industry experts provides valuable insights and lends credibility to your work. Utilizing both internal data like sales figures and external resources such as market reports ensures that your marketing approaches are informed and relevant. 
By converting these insights into various forms of content, from case studies to social media posts, you can create a robust, data-backed content strategy that resonates with your target audience and supports your clients' goals.
Here's how to effectively employ some of these strategies: 

  • Conduct Interviews with Industry Leaders and Customers:

       - Reach out to thought leaders, influencers, and industry veterans for interviews. Their insights can offer fresh perspectives and add credibility to your content.

        - Engage with customers or clients through surveys or one-on-one interviews. Understanding their challenges and preferences can guide your marketing strategies.

  • Leverage Internal and External Research:

       - Use internal data such as sales figures, website analytics, and customer feedback to inform your marketing decisions.

        - Stay updated with external research reports, market analysis, and competitor strategies to ensure your approaches are data-driven and relevant.

  • Utilize Research to Enhance Content Strategy:

         - Translate the insights gathered into compelling content pieces. These can range from case studies and whitepapers to blog posts and social media content.

         - Use the research to back up your strategies and recommendations to clients, showcasing your data-driven approach.

Building Trust and Impact with Quick Wins

Quick wins are essential in establishing trust and demonstrating your value to clients. They provide immediate results, building confidence in your abilities and paving the way for long-term success. 

Here’s how to focus on achieving quick wins in your freelance marketing projects:

  • Identify Opportunities for Immediate Impact:

         - Analyze your client's current marketing efforts to identify low-hanging fruits. These could be simple website optimizations, a quick social media campaign, or an email marketing push.

         - Prioritize tasks that can show visible results in a short time, like improving click-through rates or increasing social media engagement.

  • Streamline Content Creation Processes:

         - Develop efficient content creation workflows to deliver quality content quickly. Use tools for content scheduling, automation, and analytics to speed up the process.

         - Offer clients a mix of evergreen and trending content that can be quickly produced and easily updated.

  • Demonstrate Immediate Value:

         - Communicate the results of your quick wins to your clients. This transparency not only builds trust but also showcases your direct contribution to their business goals.

         - Use these early successes as a foundation to discuss more comprehensive, long-term marketing strategies with your clients.

Securing quick wins not only boosts your client's confidence in your services but also establishes a solid foundation for a lasting relationship.


Embarking on a freelance marketing career is an exciting journey, filled with opportunities to apply your creativity and strategic thinking. 
In this guide, we've explored several key strategies to help you build a successful freelance marketing business:

Try aligning with sales and trends. Customize your marketing strategies to align with your client’s sales goals and current market trends. Use attribution models to demonstrate the impact of your efforts.

Conduct lots and lots of research. Utilize interviews with industry leaders and comprehensive research to inform your marketing strategies, ensuring they are data-driven and relevant.

Finally, try to achieve some quick wins. Identify opportunities for immediate impact and demonstrate value quickly through efficient content creation and results-driven tactics.

Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your existing freelance marketing practice, implementing these strategies will help you establish a strong presence in the freelance marketing world, attract and retain clients, and drive tangible results for their businesses:

  • Sharing Unique Perspectives: Establishing yourself as a thought leader through insightful content backed by data.
  • Focusing on Trends and Sales: Aligning your marketing strategies with current market trends and client sales objectives.
  • Gathering Insights through Interviews and Research: Using in-depth research and interviews to inform and enhance your marketing strategies.
  • Building Trust with Quick Wins: Demonstrating immediate value through quick, impactful wins that establish trust and pave the way for long-term success.

As you apply these strategies, remember that the core of freelance marketing success lies in your ability to adapt, innovate, and continually deliver value to your clients. 

Develop Thought Leadership by sharing unique perspectives and insights on your blog, podcast, or video series. Back these up with data to establish credibility.

Try aligning with sales and trends. Customize your marketing strategies to align with your client’s sales goals and current market trends. Use attribution models to demonstrate the impact of your efforts.

Conduct lots and lots of research. Utilize interviews with industry leaders and comprehensive research to inform your marketing strategies, ensuring they are data-driven and relevant.

Gen FurukawaGen Furukawa
Gen Furukawa has 12+ years experience as a digital marketer -- he is Marketer In Residence at MarketerHire, working on educating the MarketerHire community and brands on AI and marketing. He is also Founder of SuperMarketers.ai, helping SaaS and eCommerce brands implement AI marketing strategies. Previously, he was VP of Marketing at Content at Scale, VP of Marketing at Jungle Scout, and has was Co-Founder of Prehook, a quiz platform for Shopify merchants that he sold in 2023. A native of New York City, he lives in Austin, Texas where he is watching, playing, or coaching basketball when not working or playing with his wife and two kids.
Hire Marketers

4 Ways to Build a Successful Freelance Marketing Business

September 21, 2023
December 6, 2023
Gen Furukawa

Table of Contents

In the competitive field of freelance marketing, standing out requires more than just marketing know-how; it demands a strategic approach that sets you apart. As a freelance marketer, you're not just managing campaigns – you're running your own business. This means thinking beyond the basics and adopting tactics that elevate your service offering and solidify your market position.
MarketerHire sat down with Erin Balsa, founder of Haus of Bold, to learn more about how she builds and executes highly successful content marketing strategies for sales-led B2B SaaS startups that sell complex, enterprise-ready solutions. 
Erin shares key insights including the importance of thought leadership and content strategy as a means to help companies stand out.

In today’s post, we'll cover essential tactics like carving out a unique niche through thought leadership, aligning marketing efforts with sales goals, leveraging in-depth research for content creation, and securing quick wins to build client trust. 

Whether you're starting out or looking to refine your approach, these strategies are designed to give you a practical roadmap for freelance marketing success.

How to Build a Successful Freelance Marketing Business

Freelance marketers provide an array of marketing expertise and services to a diverse clientele. In order to build a successful freelance marketing business, Erin Balsa recommends following these four key steps:

1. Share unique perspectives

2. Focus on trends and sales

3. Gather insights through interviews and research

4. Build trust and impact with quick wins
Let’s break it down. 

Sharing Unique Perspectives

As a freelance marketer, one of your most potent tools is your unique perspective. But this is more than just having opinions; it's about developing a thought leadership position that resonates with your target audience. 
There are several key channels to go about doing this. 
To start, develop thought leadership content. For example, start a blog, podcast, or video series where you share insights about the latest industry trends, future predictions, or marketing strategies. This isn't just about showing what you know; it's about adding value to your audience. 
Next step, back up your opinions with data. Your perspectives will carry more weight if they are supported by data. Use industry reports, case studies, and your own campaign results to lend credibility to your viewpoints.
It is critical that you stay informed and ahead. Continuously educate yourself on the latest marketing trends and techniques, and attend webinars, read industry publications, and engage with other marketing experts to keep your knowledge and content fresh and relevant.
Ultimately, by establishing yourself as a thought leader and learning as much as you can about your target audience, you're not just sharing your expertise; you're building a brand that attracts clients who value your insights and trust your guidance. 

To maximize the impact of freelance marketing efforts on client revenue and prove your value as a marketing partner, it's essential to align marketing strategies with the client's sales goals and current market trends. This includes tailoring marketing approaches to meet sales objectives like lead generation and brand awareness through SEO, content marketing, social media, and PR. 
Additionally, implementing attribution models helps track how marketing influences sales, while collaborating with sales teams provides them with valuable marketing insights and materials. 
Keeping up-to-date with industry trends ensures that marketing strategies remain relevant and competitive. These efforts position you as a key contributor to your client's business success.
Consider these action items to strengthen your marketing offerings: 

  • Align Marketing Strategies with Sales Goals: Understand your client's sales objectives and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly. If the goal is lead generation, focus on SEO and content marketing. For brand awareness, prioritize social media and PR.
  • Set Up Attribution Models: Implement models to track the impact of your marketing efforts on sales. Use tools like Google Analytics or marketing automation software to trace customer journeys and pinpoint which marketing channels are driving conversions.
  • Support Sales Teams with Marketing Insights: Collaborate with sales teams to provide them with marketing materials and insights. Create content that aids in nurturing leads, from informative blog posts to engaging social media campaigns.
  • Stay Current with Market Trends: Keep abreast of the latest industry trends and consumer behaviors. Adapt your marketing strategies to leverage these trends, ensuring your clients stay ahead of the curve.

Gathering Insights through Interviews and Research

In-depth interviews and research are critical in crafting effective marketing strategies and content. 
Engaging with thought leaders, customers, and industry experts provides valuable insights and lends credibility to your work. Utilizing both internal data like sales figures and external resources such as market reports ensures that your marketing approaches are informed and relevant. 
By converting these insights into various forms of content, from case studies to social media posts, you can create a robust, data-backed content strategy that resonates with your target audience and supports your clients' goals.
Here's how to effectively employ some of these strategies: 

  • Conduct Interviews with Industry Leaders and Customers:

       - Reach out to thought leaders, influencers, and industry veterans for interviews. Their insights can offer fresh perspectives and add credibility to your content.

        - Engage with customers or clients through surveys or one-on-one interviews. Understanding their challenges and preferences can guide your marketing strategies.

  • Leverage Internal and External Research:

       - Use internal data such as sales figures, website analytics, and customer feedback to inform your marketing decisions.

        - Stay updated with external research reports, market analysis, and competitor strategies to ensure your approaches are data-driven and relevant.

  • Utilize Research to Enhance Content Strategy:

         - Translate the insights gathered into compelling content pieces. These can range from case studies and whitepapers to blog posts and social media content.

         - Use the research to back up your strategies and recommendations to clients, showcasing your data-driven approach.

Building Trust and Impact with Quick Wins

Quick wins are essential in establishing trust and demonstrating your value to clients. They provide immediate results, building confidence in your abilities and paving the way for long-term success. 

Here’s how to focus on achieving quick wins in your freelance marketing projects:

  • Identify Opportunities for Immediate Impact:

         - Analyze your client's current marketing efforts to identify low-hanging fruits. These could be simple website optimizations, a quick social media campaign, or an email marketing push.

         - Prioritize tasks that can show visible results in a short time, like improving click-through rates or increasing social media engagement.

  • Streamline Content Creation Processes:

         - Develop efficient content creation workflows to deliver quality content quickly. Use tools for content scheduling, automation, and analytics to speed up the process.

         - Offer clients a mix of evergreen and trending content that can be quickly produced and easily updated.

  • Demonstrate Immediate Value:

         - Communicate the results of your quick wins to your clients. This transparency not only builds trust but also showcases your direct contribution to their business goals.

         - Use these early successes as a foundation to discuss more comprehensive, long-term marketing strategies with your clients.

Securing quick wins not only boosts your client's confidence in your services but also establishes a solid foundation for a lasting relationship.


Embarking on a freelance marketing career is an exciting journey, filled with opportunities to apply your creativity and strategic thinking. 
In this guide, we've explored several key strategies to help you build a successful freelance marketing business:

Try aligning with sales and trends. Customize your marketing strategies to align with your client’s sales goals and current market trends. Use attribution models to demonstrate the impact of your efforts.

Conduct lots and lots of research. Utilize interviews with industry leaders and comprehensive research to inform your marketing strategies, ensuring they are data-driven and relevant.

Finally, try to achieve some quick wins. Identify opportunities for immediate impact and demonstrate value quickly through efficient content creation and results-driven tactics.

Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your existing freelance marketing practice, implementing these strategies will help you establish a strong presence in the freelance marketing world, attract and retain clients, and drive tangible results for their businesses:

  • Sharing Unique Perspectives: Establishing yourself as a thought leader through insightful content backed by data.
  • Focusing on Trends and Sales: Aligning your marketing strategies with current market trends and client sales objectives.
  • Gathering Insights through Interviews and Research: Using in-depth research and interviews to inform and enhance your marketing strategies.
  • Building Trust with Quick Wins: Demonstrating immediate value through quick, impactful wins that establish trust and pave the way for long-term success.

As you apply these strategies, remember that the core of freelance marketing success lies in your ability to adapt, innovate, and continually deliver value to your clients. 

Develop Thought Leadership by sharing unique perspectives and insights on your blog, podcast, or video series. Back these up with data to establish credibility.

Try aligning with sales and trends. Customize your marketing strategies to align with your client’s sales goals and current market trends. Use attribution models to demonstrate the impact of your efforts.

Conduct lots and lots of research. Utilize interviews with industry leaders and comprehensive research to inform your marketing strategies, ensuring they are data-driven and relevant.

Gen Furukawa
about the author

Gen Furukawa has 12+ years experience as a digital marketer -- he is Marketer In Residence at MarketerHire, working on educating the MarketerHire community and brands on AI and marketing. He is also Founder of SuperMarketers.ai, helping SaaS and eCommerce brands implement AI marketing strategies. Previously, he was VP of Marketing at Content at Scale, VP of Marketing at Jungle Scout, and has was Co-Founder of Prehook, a quiz platform for Shopify merchants that he sold in 2023. A native of New York City, he lives in Austin, Texas where he is watching, playing, or coaching basketball when not working or playing with his wife and two kids.

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