How To Find a Part-Time CMO and Hire for Success

How To Find a Part-Time CMO and Hire for Success
Table of Contents
  1. Template item

Over the last few years, part-time work in the U.S. has been on the rise after hitting an all-time low during the pandemic. At the same time, full-time engagements have been decreasing in popularity. There’s no simple explanation for this shift, but it reflects a broader trend toward flexibility in employment.

Full-time work offers more workforce stability and commitment, which are crucial for industries like healthcare. This model may not work for everyone, though. If you own a small business and need a high-level professional such as a chief marketing officer (CMO), the hiring and maintenance costs may be too big to bear.

Instead, you can opt for a more lenient work arrangement, such as part-time or fractional, and get the senior expertise you need without breaking the bank. 

While it’s not easy to find a part-time CMO who meets your needs, our guide will help you navigate the process. You’ll learn about the ins and outs of hiring a CMO part-time, the qualities to look out for, and tips and tools that can aid in your search.

What Is a Part-Time CMO? 

A CMO is a highly experienced marketing expert who devises marketing strategies, oversees their implementation, and tracks marketing success. These responsibilities are the same regardless of whether the professional is hired on a part-time, full-time, or fractional basis.

There’s no legal distinction between part-time and full-time employees. Part-time CMOs are considered those who work less than 40 hours per week, typically 30 to 35.

Source: Alexander Suhorucov

Discover other differences between traditional full-time CMO positions and more flexible ones such as part-time and fractional:

Job Aspect Full-Time CMO Part-Time CMO Fractional CMO
Time commitment 40 hours/week Less than 30–35 hours/week Works on an as-needed basis and may sometimes work full-time for one employer
Number of employers One Usually one, but some individuals may work for two or more Usually two or more
Schedule Fixed Flexible Flexible
Focus Broad and includes day-to-day team management Can be general or specific On-demand engagement for specific tasks and initiatives or during crucial periods

Key Roles and Responsibilities of a Part-Time CMO 

Whether they’re full-time or part-time employees, CMOs wear many hats. Their duties may include:

  1. Developing strategies: The CMO comes up with the marketing strategy and makes sure it aligns with the company’s goals
  2. Allocating resources: They set the budget for the marketing department, ensuring maximum ROI with the available resources
  3. Managing the branding efforts: The CMO plays a crucial role in creating the brand identity and oversees its implementation to ensure consistency
  4. Leading the marketing department: Some part-time CMOs oversee campaign execution and even deal with HR matters
  5. Monitoring the progress: CMOs establish the KPIs for campaigns, then track and report progress
  6. Collaborating with other executives: The CMO typically reports directly to the CEO, meets with other C-suite executives to align strategies, and participates in advisory boards

The responsibilities vary across industries and businesses. In some cases, the part-time CMO may:

  • Be less involved in day-to-day operations and with the marketing team
  • Focus more on strategy than the implementation
  • Provide guidance or oversight instead of hands-on management
  • Support specific initiatives, such as market analysis, partnerships, or technological integration

Key Benefits of Hiring a Part-Time CMO 

Hiring a CMO part-time comes with many advantages, including the following four:

  1. Adaptable work scope: If you don’t need a CMO’s oversight eight hours a day, you can hire a part-time CMO for a specific number of hours
  2. Higher ROI: As you’re not paying for their full days, you can hire a CMO at a lower cost without compromising on talent quality
  3. Faster access to expertise: With the part-time arrangement, hiring an experienced CMO is not only more affordable but also faster since these individuals are more readily available and flexible. You also don’t need to negotiate as extensively as you would with a full-time CMO
  4. Higher productivity: In a 2022 McKinsey global survey, an average of one in four workers reported experiencing symptoms of burnout, such as cognitive and emotional impairment. Fewer work hours may help contribute to a better work-life balance and lead to more efficient and fruitful work

When To Hire a Part-Time CMO 

Hiring a part-time CMO is ideal when you need expertise but don’t have the budget to support a full-time CMO. It may be time to start looking if:

  • Your full-time CMO is on leave: A part-time CMO can fill in for the absent individual, making sure the marketing operations continue running smoothly
  • You need temporary assistance: A part-time CMO can help the business owner or the current CMO when they’re overwhelmed with tasks
  • The company is growing: If the business is entering a new market, launching a new product, or changing strategy, the part-time CMO can help make the transition smoother
  • Your efforts aren’t yielding results: A fresh pair of eyes in the form of a part-time CMO can help improve campaigns that aren’t working out
  • Your team lacks direction: A part-time CMO can lead your team, help improve collaboration, and streamline any inefficient workflows

How To Choose the Best Part-Time CMO 

Like with any executive role, finding the ideal CMO is no easy feat. A CMO’s role is a high-risk one, so it’s crucial to select your candidate carefully.

Above all, your chosen candidate needs to have a deep understanding of marketing principles and keep up with industry trends so they can develop effective strategies and make informed decisions. They must have extensive knowledge and experience, especially in the following areas:

  • Market research and analytics
  • Brand positioning and communication
  • Lead generation and acquisition
  • Customer retention and engagement
  • Marketing team management

Besides having these skills, your part-time CMO must be communicative, independent, and well-organized. These skills are essential to ensure fruitful cross-functional collaboration and timely decision-making, especially when it comes to part-time and other fractional hiring arrangements.

Finally, you should hire an individual who fits in with your company culture and shares your values. Such an individual will be motivated and committed to the job and will integrate smoothly into the existing team.

Source: Andrea Piacquadio

Optimizing the Relationship With Your Part-Time CMO

If you want to hire a part-time CMO, follow the tips in the table below to set yourself up for success:

Pre-Hire Post-Hire
  • Define the role: Having a clear picture of what your part-time CMO will be doing will help you attract and identify the right profile of candidates

  • Be transparent: Discussing all the terms of the role beforehand will ensure alignment of expectations and prevent misunderstandings

  • Be flexible: Recognizing and adapting to the flexible nature of their part-time role will help you plan effectively

  • Provide and receive feedback: Establishing open communication and exchanging feedback will ensure successful collaboration

  • Avoid micromanaging: Trusting the CMO to complete the work they’ve trained their whole career for will empower them to do their best work

  • Foster the relationship: Making the CMO feel valued and including them in relevant activities will encourage collaboration and loyalty

Challenges of Hiring a Part-Time CMO 

Even if you’re a marketing expert, you’ll need to jump through hoops to find a part-time CMO who has the right skills for the role and is aligned with your mission. 

It’s a resource-intensive process few businesses are ready for. You have to post a job ad or scour networks such as LinkedIn to source the expert and then screen and interview them to ensure they’re compatible. The process is also risky since nobody can guarantee that the individual will be dependable and perform well in the role.

Your best bet is to partner with a recruiting firm or platform that specializes in marketing, such as MarketerHire, and let experts handle recruitment while you focus on your core work.

Why Is MarketerHire the Best Choice for Hiring a Part-Time CMO?

Source: MarketerHire

The simplest way to connect with exceptional marketing talent is with MarketerHire. The platform features an elite network of pre-vetted expert marketers, including part-time CMOs, and can match you with the perfect candidate within days.

Founded by experienced marketers, MarketerHire has been in business since 2018. It has made over 25,000 successful matches thus far, helping renowned companies like Netflix, Skillshare, and HelloFresh find their perfect marketing experts across all niches and verticals. 

All marketers in MarketerHire’s network are proven experts. They represent the top 3% of candidates, comprising only those who’ve passed the platform’s expert-led multi-step vetting process. Many of the experts have also worked for household brands and can fit smoothly into dynamic roles and workplaces.

Thanks to MarketerHire’s elaborate matching system, MarketerMatch, you can rest assured your match will possess the skills and attitude to thrive in the specific role you’re hiring for. This proprietary algorithm combines AI and human insight to identify the best individual for your vacancy.

MarketerHire takes the pain out of hiring with its white-glove approach. Besides meeting with its team to discuss your requirements, you don’t have to lift a finger. MarketerHire’s experts will do all the heavy lifting and offer support throughout the process.

You also don’t need to worry about making a bad hire. You get a free trial period with each match, and if you’re not happy with their work, MarketerHire will find another match. Feel free to cancel, scale up, or scale down whenever you want to since MarketerHire’s contract is short-term and flexible.

How MarketerHire Works

When partnering with MarketerHire, the process goes as follows:

  1. You meet with your dedicated marketing manager to describe your company, project, and the work you want your part-time CMO to take on
  2. MarketerHire’s experts will match you with a suitable candidate within 48 hours
  3. Your new part-time CMO can start working with you within three days

MarketerHire is also there for you if you want to expand your team further and hire for different roles. Besides part-time, it supports full-time and fractional roles. It can match you with an expert marketer in any niche, be it SEO, content, or brand marketing.

If your marketing, sales, or design team is stuck with routine but time-consuming tasks, MarketerHire can also find a full-time Expert Assistant to lend them a hand. Like any other marketer in MarketerHire’s network, the assistants are pre-vetted and can start working alongside your team in no time.

Whether you need a part-time CMO or any other type of marketer, you can trust MarketerHire to recruit the top individual for the role. Reach out today and hire premier marketing talent quickly and effortlessly!

Other Hiring Resources To Check Out

We have many other guides you can read to learn about hiring fractional marketing talent:

Fractional Marketing Services
Fractional CMO for Startups
Fractional Content Marketing Fractional Marketing Director
Fractional Marketing Fractional SEO
Fractional Executive B2B Fractional CMO
What Does a Fractional CMO Do? Fractional Marketing Consultant
Fractional Creative Director Fractional Chief Growth Officer
Chris ToyChris Toy
Chris Toy is the CEO and co-founder of MarketerHire. He's spent the past 20 years as a leader and entrepreneur in marketing, media and tech. He’s worked with Fortune 500 and unicorn startups.
Hire Marketers

How To Find a Part-Time CMO and Hire for Success

September 8, 2023
Chris Toy

Table of Contents

Over the last few years, part-time work in the U.S. has been on the rise after hitting an all-time low during the pandemic. At the same time, full-time engagements have been decreasing in popularity. There’s no simple explanation for this shift, but it reflects a broader trend toward flexibility in employment.

Full-time work offers more workforce stability and commitment, which are crucial for industries like healthcare. This model may not work for everyone, though. If you own a small business and need a high-level professional such as a chief marketing officer (CMO), the hiring and maintenance costs may be too big to bear.

Instead, you can opt for a more lenient work arrangement, such as part-time or fractional, and get the senior expertise you need without breaking the bank. 

While it’s not easy to find a part-time CMO who meets your needs, our guide will help you navigate the process. You’ll learn about the ins and outs of hiring a CMO part-time, the qualities to look out for, and tips and tools that can aid in your search.

What Is a Part-Time CMO? 

A CMO is a highly experienced marketing expert who devises marketing strategies, oversees their implementation, and tracks marketing success. These responsibilities are the same regardless of whether the professional is hired on a part-time, full-time, or fractional basis.

There’s no legal distinction between part-time and full-time employees. Part-time CMOs are considered those who work less than 40 hours per week, typically 30 to 35.

Source: Alexander Suhorucov

Discover other differences between traditional full-time CMO positions and more flexible ones such as part-time and fractional:

Job Aspect Full-Time CMO Part-Time CMO Fractional CMO
Time commitment 40 hours/week Less than 30–35 hours/week Works on an as-needed basis and may sometimes work full-time for one employer
Number of employers One Usually one, but some individuals may work for two or more Usually two or more
Schedule Fixed Flexible Flexible
Focus Broad and includes day-to-day team management Can be general or specific On-demand engagement for specific tasks and initiatives or during crucial periods

Key Roles and Responsibilities of a Part-Time CMO 

Whether they’re full-time or part-time employees, CMOs wear many hats. Their duties may include:

  1. Developing strategies: The CMO comes up with the marketing strategy and makes sure it aligns with the company’s goals
  2. Allocating resources: They set the budget for the marketing department, ensuring maximum ROI with the available resources
  3. Managing the branding efforts: The CMO plays a crucial role in creating the brand identity and oversees its implementation to ensure consistency
  4. Leading the marketing department: Some part-time CMOs oversee campaign execution and even deal with HR matters
  5. Monitoring the progress: CMOs establish the KPIs for campaigns, then track and report progress
  6. Collaborating with other executives: The CMO typically reports directly to the CEO, meets with other C-suite executives to align strategies, and participates in advisory boards

The responsibilities vary across industries and businesses. In some cases, the part-time CMO may:

  • Be less involved in day-to-day operations and with the marketing team
  • Focus more on strategy than the implementation
  • Provide guidance or oversight instead of hands-on management
  • Support specific initiatives, such as market analysis, partnerships, or technological integration

Key Benefits of Hiring a Part-Time CMO 

Hiring a CMO part-time comes with many advantages, including the following four:

  1. Adaptable work scope: If you don’t need a CMO’s oversight eight hours a day, you can hire a part-time CMO for a specific number of hours
  2. Higher ROI: As you’re not paying for their full days, you can hire a CMO at a lower cost without compromising on talent quality
  3. Faster access to expertise: With the part-time arrangement, hiring an experienced CMO is not only more affordable but also faster since these individuals are more readily available and flexible. You also don’t need to negotiate as extensively as you would with a full-time CMO
  4. Higher productivity: In a 2022 McKinsey global survey, an average of one in four workers reported experiencing symptoms of burnout, such as cognitive and emotional impairment. Fewer work hours may help contribute to a better work-life balance and lead to more efficient and fruitful work

When To Hire a Part-Time CMO 

Hiring a part-time CMO is ideal when you need expertise but don’t have the budget to support a full-time CMO. It may be time to start looking if:

  • Your full-time CMO is on leave: A part-time CMO can fill in for the absent individual, making sure the marketing operations continue running smoothly
  • You need temporary assistance: A part-time CMO can help the business owner or the current CMO when they’re overwhelmed with tasks
  • The company is growing: If the business is entering a new market, launching a new product, or changing strategy, the part-time CMO can help make the transition smoother
  • Your efforts aren’t yielding results: A fresh pair of eyes in the form of a part-time CMO can help improve campaigns that aren’t working out
  • Your team lacks direction: A part-time CMO can lead your team, help improve collaboration, and streamline any inefficient workflows

How To Choose the Best Part-Time CMO 

Like with any executive role, finding the ideal CMO is no easy feat. A CMO’s role is a high-risk one, so it’s crucial to select your candidate carefully.

Above all, your chosen candidate needs to have a deep understanding of marketing principles and keep up with industry trends so they can develop effective strategies and make informed decisions. They must have extensive knowledge and experience, especially in the following areas:

  • Market research and analytics
  • Brand positioning and communication
  • Lead generation and acquisition
  • Customer retention and engagement
  • Marketing team management

Besides having these skills, your part-time CMO must be communicative, independent, and well-organized. These skills are essential to ensure fruitful cross-functional collaboration and timely decision-making, especially when it comes to part-time and other fractional hiring arrangements.

Finally, you should hire an individual who fits in with your company culture and shares your values. Such an individual will be motivated and committed to the job and will integrate smoothly into the existing team.

Source: Andrea Piacquadio

Optimizing the Relationship With Your Part-Time CMO

If you want to hire a part-time CMO, follow the tips in the table below to set yourself up for success:

Pre-Hire Post-Hire
  • Define the role: Having a clear picture of what your part-time CMO will be doing will help you attract and identify the right profile of candidates

  • Be transparent: Discussing all the terms of the role beforehand will ensure alignment of expectations and prevent misunderstandings

  • Be flexible: Recognizing and adapting to the flexible nature of their part-time role will help you plan effectively

  • Provide and receive feedback: Establishing open communication and exchanging feedback will ensure successful collaboration

  • Avoid micromanaging: Trusting the CMO to complete the work they’ve trained their whole career for will empower them to do their best work

  • Foster the relationship: Making the CMO feel valued and including them in relevant activities will encourage collaboration and loyalty

Challenges of Hiring a Part-Time CMO 

Even if you’re a marketing expert, you’ll need to jump through hoops to find a part-time CMO who has the right skills for the role and is aligned with your mission. 

It’s a resource-intensive process few businesses are ready for. You have to post a job ad or scour networks such as LinkedIn to source the expert and then screen and interview them to ensure they’re compatible. The process is also risky since nobody can guarantee that the individual will be dependable and perform well in the role.

Your best bet is to partner with a recruiting firm or platform that specializes in marketing, such as MarketerHire, and let experts handle recruitment while you focus on your core work.

Why Is MarketerHire the Best Choice for Hiring a Part-Time CMO?

Source: MarketerHire

The simplest way to connect with exceptional marketing talent is with MarketerHire. The platform features an elite network of pre-vetted expert marketers, including part-time CMOs, and can match you with the perfect candidate within days.

Founded by experienced marketers, MarketerHire has been in business since 2018. It has made over 25,000 successful matches thus far, helping renowned companies like Netflix, Skillshare, and HelloFresh find their perfect marketing experts across all niches and verticals. 

All marketers in MarketerHire’s network are proven experts. They represent the top 3% of candidates, comprising only those who’ve passed the platform’s expert-led multi-step vetting process. Many of the experts have also worked for household brands and can fit smoothly into dynamic roles and workplaces.

Thanks to MarketerHire’s elaborate matching system, MarketerMatch, you can rest assured your match will possess the skills and attitude to thrive in the specific role you’re hiring for. This proprietary algorithm combines AI and human insight to identify the best individual for your vacancy.

MarketerHire takes the pain out of hiring with its white-glove approach. Besides meeting with its team to discuss your requirements, you don’t have to lift a finger. MarketerHire’s experts will do all the heavy lifting and offer support throughout the process.

You also don’t need to worry about making a bad hire. You get a free trial period with each match, and if you’re not happy with their work, MarketerHire will find another match. Feel free to cancel, scale up, or scale down whenever you want to since MarketerHire’s contract is short-term and flexible.

How MarketerHire Works

When partnering with MarketerHire, the process goes as follows:

  1. You meet with your dedicated marketing manager to describe your company, project, and the work you want your part-time CMO to take on
  2. MarketerHire’s experts will match you with a suitable candidate within 48 hours
  3. Your new part-time CMO can start working with you within three days

MarketerHire is also there for you if you want to expand your team further and hire for different roles. Besides part-time, it supports full-time and fractional roles. It can match you with an expert marketer in any niche, be it SEO, content, or brand marketing.

If your marketing, sales, or design team is stuck with routine but time-consuming tasks, MarketerHire can also find a full-time Expert Assistant to lend them a hand. Like any other marketer in MarketerHire’s network, the assistants are pre-vetted and can start working alongside your team in no time.

Whether you need a part-time CMO or any other type of marketer, you can trust MarketerHire to recruit the top individual for the role. Reach out today and hire premier marketing talent quickly and effortlessly!

Other Hiring Resources To Check Out

We have many other guides you can read to learn about hiring fractional marketing talent:

Fractional Marketing Services
Fractional CMO for Startups
Fractional Content Marketing Fractional Marketing Director
Fractional Marketing Fractional SEO
Fractional Executive B2B Fractional CMO
What Does a Fractional CMO Do? Fractional Marketing Consultant
Fractional Creative Director Fractional Chief Growth Officer
Chris Toy
about the author

Chris Toy is the CEO and co-founder of MarketerHire. He's spent the past 20 years as a leader and entrepreneur in marketing, media and tech. He’s worked with Fortune 500 and unicorn startups.

Hire a Marketer