Jillies Tests Product Market Viability & Builds a Brand with MarketerHire



Orders in 3 weeks after paid social launch.


Turnaround time on organic social strategy.


MarketerHire remote marketers hired.


It’s easier than ever to start-up a new direct-to-consumer brand. Once you determine the product, you can then build a store on Shopify and launch in a day or less. For many aspiring entrepreneurs, it is the next part that is more challenging: determining if this business is viable.

This is the exact problem Jillian Tessler faced with her new brand Jillies, which sells dress weights. While maintaining a full-time job, Jillian built the product and launched the site. Then, she had a decision to make.

“I started realizing that there were clear things I wasn't that great at when it came to running my business and determining if it was viable –– especially since I also still have a full-time job,” says Jillian Tessler, founder of Jillies.

“I had to decide if it was worth me spending the time to teach myself these different marketing channels, or if I could find someone that I could easily plug into the process who was affordable, trust-worthy, and experienced.”

This was especially important because Jillies isn’t the only dress weight product on the market. Jillian herself runs validations for brands and innovation sprints –– and it’s taught her what her strengths and weaknesses are. It’s also taught her that brand and positioning can be what makes or breaks a new venture.

“I know that marketing is one of the most important pillars for my product, but I just don’t want to waste any money on people that just won’t meet my standards,” said Jillian.


I know marketing is one of the most important pillars for my product, and I don’t want to waste any money on people that just won’t meet my standards.

Jillian Tessler




A friend mentioned MarketerHire to Jillian months before she needed the service, when she was having a product delay. Faced with the need to go to market aggressively and strategically, she was excited to pick things back up when the product was in place.

She filled out the form on the MarketerHire site, and within 24 hours hopped on the phone with a MarketerHire placement expert to explain exactly what she was looking for.

“I really enjoyed that conversation because I could dive deep into what I needed and what role would be a good match, versus having to decide on my own what ‘type of marketer’ would be the best,” said Jillian.

“When it comes to hiring the right marketers, entrepreneurs are often having to decipher between needing a growth marketer, a paid marketer, an organic social person, or some version of all of it. Having that one-on-one call with MarketerHire helped focus on which type of marketer I’d need based on my immediate goals.”

Jillian knew from the get-go that she wanted to find freelancers well versed in a similar audience and demographic to Jillies’. That meant she wanted to work with someone who had a positive track record of success in ecommerce, preferably with a women’s brand.

“It was a perfect match. The first freelancer I hired came from Tamara Mellon, which is a shoe company I love and that I get ads for all the time. I know that they know what they’re doing,” said Jillian.

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Within two and a half weeks of hiring the paid social freelancer on MarketerHire, Jillies orders skyrocketed. That success brought her back to the platform to find an organic social media manager. After all, a lot of the women finding Jillies through paid social were coming back and actually following the brand on the organic social channels.

“I had ‘to-create a content calendar’ on my todo list for six months,” said Jillian. “Within 72 hours, the MarketerHire freelancer had an entire posting strategy built-out. Now, my grid looks more organized and more thoughtful. Anyone that was following the Jillies before MarketerHire and following now, it's like night and day.”

For Jillian, the entire experience is part of her overall brand strategy. Her full-time job gives her the flexibility to invest in high quality freelancers to build the brand foundation of a profitable company.

To her, it’s the antithesis of what you often hear of as the glorified entrepreneur who works all hours and does everything, teaching themselves along the way. For Jillian, that just isn’t practical.

“I can’t afford to burn out,” said Jillian. “It makes a lot of sense to me to invest in someone that knows what they're doing, whether that is making my paid media more efficient or building my Instagram community. It’s all part of an efficient sales cycle.”

“I feel bad that people feel a kind of pressure to do everything themselves in order to be seen as a successful entrepreneur. In reality, it's better to figure out what you can do on your own, and then find the best of the best to help you efficiently grow. MarketerHire let's me work smarter in that way.”


I can’t afford to burn out. It's better to figure out what you can do on your own, and then find the best of the best to help you efficiently grow. MarketerHire lets me work smarter in that way.

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