View-through rate

What is view-through rate?

View-through rate (VTR) is a metric used to measure the effectiveness of online advertising. It is the percentage of people who view an ad and then take a desired action, such as visiting the advertiser's website or making a purchase. VTR is used to gauge the potential reach of an ad campaign and to compare the effectiveness of different ad campaigns.

How is view-through rate calculated?

View-through rate is calculated by dividing the number of people who view an ad by the number of people who take the desired action. For example, if 100 people see an ad and 10 of them visit the advertiser's website, the VTR would be 10%.

What are the benefits of a high view-through rate?

A high view-through rate indicates that an ad is effective in reaching its target audience and that the target audience is interested in the product or service being advertised. A high VTR can also lead to a higher click-through rate (CTR), which is the percentage of people who click on an ad. A high CTR is important because it indicates that people are not only seeing the ad, but they are also taking action on it.

What are the benefits of a low view-through rate?

A low view-through rate may indicate that an ad is not reaching its target audience or that the target audience is not interested in the product or service being advertised. A low VTR can also lead to a lower CTR.

How can I improve my view-through rate?

There are a number of ways to improve view-through rate, including:

View-through rate: the future of paid social advertising?

View-through rate is a valuable metric for measuring the effectiveness of online advertising. As the internet continues to grow and evolve, view-through rate will become an increasingly important metric for advertisers.

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