View-through conversion

What is a view-through conversion?

A view-through conversion is a conversion that happens when a user sees an ad, doesn't click on it, but later converts on the advertiser's site. In other words, a view-through conversion attributed to an ad occurs when a user sees the ad, doesn't click on it, but later converts on the advertiser's site.

How is a view-through conversion different from a click-through conversion?

A click-through conversion is a conversion that happens when a user clicks on an ad and then converts on the advertiser's site. In other words, a click-through conversion attributed to an ad occurs when a user clicks on the ad and then converts on the advertiser's site.

View-through conversions are different from click-through conversions in a few key ways:

What are the benefits of view-through conversions?

There are a few key benefits of view-through conversions:

How can you track view-through conversions?

There are a few different ways that you can track view-through conversions:

What are some best practices for view-through conversions?

There are a few best practices that you should keep in mind when tracking view-through conversions:

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